Monday, April 5, 2010

Green :)

Recently, i seem to like the green colour
maybe my surround influence me a lot u know I'm at the Harvard Golf n Country Resort
(name mcm gempak je pdhal? tetttt)
so my eyes will keep on looking at this golf resort such as green CARPET from far
I have many things to share but as usual when my fingers near the keyboard..
i just lost my word..
i had experienced some bad thing yesterday
my hand is hurted a lot and it is so painful
because of that i cried a lot yesterday
i called my mom but i didn't tell her about this
my tears flow heavily (just like it is raining)
and it was tiring
forsure i need to forgive the one that cause the pain
he accidentally did it to me
i knew that was not his fault at all and i also didn't blame him
maybe because i am too happy ..laughed here and there
and Allah wants to remind me not to over doing it :)
so i blame myself for what happen yesterday. is painful and i couldn't stand anymore
so my tears just flow like a river
i cried alone and didn't know who i would tell to
i don't want other people know about it
maybe it look like doesn't matter to them
but it does matter to me.
i left the volleyball court just like that because i was starting to cry
i just tell ayu because she was with me yesterday
n i still feel the to the hand)..adoiii :(
maybe i can't play volleyball
i can't say i can't play it anymore. i will play it when my pain is over .
get better in time :)

Dear, I miss my MOM so much..
can u tell her that i love n miss her a lot :)
 i'm counting days..i want to go back home..really want to go..
homesick :(

FYI, the picture above is my latest picture.
i want to give to someone who requested for it
and now you get it :)

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